Forming character through the insights of literature, contemporary culture and Scripture.
Judging by the laughter, a person walking in to one of our study nights might be surprised to know we are serious about study. But anyone who’s had a favorite teacher will understand how learning can animate a person. Our courses are no dry-as-dust studies, but like a multi-vitamin that readies a person for real life. Diving deep into the Bible and supporting texts is not just refreshing for us as a community, it’s one of our main lifelines. Our discussions are lively and the distinction between worship and study is often blurred, invariably drawing us all closer to Christ.
Friends and co-workers are often surprised to learn that our community meets in homes here in Winnipeg’s West End. People are used to thinking of church as a building set apart, but we’re in good company since this is how Jesus followers first gathered.
Is God real in the 21st century? How do we make sense of an ancient text like the Bible? Is it even relevant? How can we relate to God? Our life in community is shaped by study and the struggle to apply what we learn to our everyday lives. Join us online to catch a glimpse of the courses which give us such hope.
If you’ve read a book like the Bible your whole life, overfamiliarity can sometimes cause eyes to glaze over. Exploring Sean Gladding’s book together helped us re-enter the stories in a fresh way.
In 2015, Watershed Community undertook an in-depth study of the book of Revelation. Despite its reputation as possibly the strangest and most misinterpreted book of the Bible, we found it to be hopeful and relevant.
Does Philippians have anything to say about unity to our deeply divided 21st century world? Can joy find a way even in suffering and adversity? Writing from prison, the apostle Paul says yes!
We are grateful for the artists in our community who create centerpieces to focus our discussions. We may forget the words of a homily by Monday, but these creative images have staying power, jogging our memories and transporting us once again to the Story that is greater than our small lives.
Studying the world behind the text helps us understand its historical background and the author's intention.
Studying the world within the text helps us explore its literary style including genre, structure and themes.
Placing ourselves modern readers in front of the text, we ask who it was written to then, and how we might hear it today.
Our website is teeming with resources gathered over the years. If you’d like to explore further exactly what our non-traditional faith community is all about, check out the links below. Happy wandering!