Forming character through the insights of literature, contemporary culture and Scripture.
There’s so much tumult and strife in our world today. What are we doing studying when there’s work to be done on the ground? Isn’t the Jesus way all about revolution and changing the world for the better?
Theologian and writer Walter Brueggemann reminds us there’s also work to be done in study. “The purpose of theological reflection and study,” he says, “is to keep the movement from running out of steam. A revolution is not sustainable if there are only people on the street.” His words echo the proverb which says that without a vision, the people will perish.
Our Wednesday night Bible studies nurture us in God’s counter-narrative. It’s the best launch pad we know, invariably sending us out to better serve in the places God has called us.
Reading Biblical Literature - This film series from “The Great Courses” showed us just how intricate, vibrant and meaningful the Bible is.
John - “Now that Jesus is no longer here physically, how can we know Him?” The 1st century community in John’s gospel was essentially asking this question, and it became ours too as we studied the book.
We Make The Road By Walking - Brian McLaren’s 2014 book provided an overview of the biblical story and a fresh intro (or re-orientation) to the Christian faith.
The Redemption Project with Van Jones - In this CNN original series, these powerful stories of restorative justice between victims and offenders led to deep discussions about what Jesus meant when he said, “Forgive your enemies."